

If your order did not meet your expectations, you have 14 days from the shipping date to return the item(s), purchased on our marketplace. Please acknowledge that items must be received within 20 days of shipment. Items received after 20 days or with the security tag missing or removed, are not eligible for return and will be returned to you, or they may be eligible to consign.

Items ordered from individual sellers are not eligible for returns, except in the case:

  • it turns out that the product is not authentic, we refund the purchase price.
  • it turns out that the authenticated item does not match the description on our site, contact us on [email protected]

If you have received an item and it's not what you expected or you have changed your mind, you can relist the item for sale, free of charge, for up to 72 hours after receiving it.



  • Go to 'Returns' page of your TheRealLuxury account and click the order number that contains the item(s) you would like to return.
  • Select each item and your reason for returning.
  • You will receive a confirmation email with a summary of your return request, shipping instructions and a return label you may print and 14,00 EUR will be deducted when your item is processed.
  • Place each item you are returning inside TheRealLuxury box. Each item must be packed in its original packaging. 
  • Prepare your package by attaching your return label to the outside of TheRealLuxury box. 
  • Please follow the instructions provided in your return confirmation email to complete your return. 


If you have any questions, we are here to assist. Contact us via e-mail [email protected] or call +386 40 88 24 23.